Friday, July 27, 2012

Weight loss for... Mommy's?

I'm so sick of this body. But I often worry if I actually have the time, motivation, energy or willpower to bother with it. Will I give up in a week? How about my first temptation (I do work at Steak 'N Shake). Well I am done guessing, wondering and waiting. I need my life to begin NOW. I want and need to be in control of myself, of my body. I want to feel good. I want to be one of those happy people who can walk for miles and miles and it doesn't hurt or run them out of breath. So, I have taken the first step. I have downloaded a calorie/exercise tracker on my cell. I am hoping that being honest with my tracker will help me be honest with myself. Perhaps, if I know people may be viewing this blog, I will be held a little more accountable. If you have ever been in my shoes, looking for a way to better YOU, and be honest with YOU, let me know. How did you overcome? Are you still working on it? Have you tried and given up? I want to know. Leave me a comment telling me your successes, or even your failures. Here is my ticker. It will help keep me in check (I hope) so that the World, or at least my little corner of it can remind me to follow through this time.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Starting out

Hello, WORLD! Here I am, new to blogging and ready to go. I am a working mother of 3. I am engaged to be married for the second time, and happy as can be. With our two boys, we have a lot of hurdles to face in life. His son, (whom we will call McHale) is 5 years old and has Autism and my son, (we'll call him Bubby) is 5 years old and has been diagnosed with ADHD. I also have a 3 year old daughter who truly believes she is a princess. (For obvious reasons, we will call her Princess) I have started this blog in the hopes of finding other mommies such as myself who have children with learning disabilities. I want to network and know as much as I can directly from the front row... Mom's like you and I, who witness the trials our children deal with daily. Both of my boys begin Kindergarten this year, and I am very anxious to see how they do, what they learn, how much fun they have, and of course I can't wait for my first hand-made Mother's Day gift next May! 

Well new friends, it has been a long day and I think I am going to call it a night. I shall return soon, in hopes to continue this beautiful thing I just started. Goodnight.